Monday, November 23, 2009

Lovely Bones

What Susie's father means, is that the penguin that inside the snow globe, looks all lonely, but it is not because he, may seem lonely but he has a mind there are things that go through his mind, and he is in a different world. The father considers it perfect, because it just up to the penguin to decide, what he will do, and in side the snow globe, the penguins life looks perfect.

What I think that happen to Susie she is trapped in a heaven, because she is always looking down to earth, and remembering her life. No, i don't think she sees it as a perfect world, because there are things she miss, like her family and friends.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Parts Of Speech

Directions: You will come up with the words below and then write a paragraph using the words you have come up with.

List the following words: (you may use more than this, but you MUST use the ones you list below in the paragraph you write).

10 Nouns:
flag, camera, flashes, game, ball, field, players,car

5 Adjectives:
, beautiful, red, black, grey

3 Adverbs:
lovely, slowly,friendly

2 Conjunctions:
but, and

3 Verbs:
smile, exploded, many

2 Prepositions:
during, over

1 Interjection:

2 Pronouns:
which, none

After you have made your list, use the words you come up with to write a paragraph about anything you wish. The paragraph MUST make sense, and it MUST use all of the words you have come up with above.

Wow! The crowd yelled as the firework went slowly up into the sky, and then exploded forming a flag. While the fireworks were in the background, the football game would start any minute.
The cheerleaders were holding a big poster, so that when the game started, the football players would run through the poster, you could hear many people screaming, camera flashes every were, the signal was given, and then the football players ran right through the poster, it made the crowd wild, and ready for the big game. The cheerleaders were all with their lovely, red pom poms cheering, the field was wet from last night rain, so the players had a hard time trying to catch the ball, but still the crowd, was excited, even the cheerleaders had a friendly, smile on their faces, but then out of no were a beautiful, grey and black cloud was forming, young people predicted that it was going to rain, but the older people predicted it was going to snow, people even made bets on which it was going to be, rain or snow, but it came out that it was none, it was just a cloud, it was all strange, while the game was till going on, a player threw a ball, and it went over the stands, and out to the parking lot, were it landed on a car hood, people were surprise, it was just all weird, when the ball was brought back, they played more, during the last touch down, snow started pouring down, then at last the game ended being a tie, and the snow about 5 feet high, the coaches then told the player that since the snow, made it hard to play, the game was put for another day that wouldn't snow and then the teams could break the tie.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Bucket List

  1. Travel to Hawaii
  2. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
  3. Create My Own Band
  4. Design Cloths
  5. Become an Inventor
  6. Have a city named after me
  7. Compose a song
  8. Learn to Play Piano
  9. Climb the highest mountain in the world
  10. Learn a foreign language
  11. Become a Photographer
  12. Become a Cosmetologist
  13. Live in a Mansion
  14. Become a Reporter
  15. Visit the other side of the World
  16. Travel in a Ship
  17. Travel in a Train
  18. Reach the top of the Statue of Liberty
  19. Visit all 50 States
  20. Go on a cruise
  21. Visit the White House
  22. Have Dinner With The President
  23. Be a Movie Director
  24. Be an actress in a Christian movie
  25. Meet the all the Christian band members there are around the world
  26. Go to the Moon
  27. Learn to make candles
  28. Be interviewed on Oprah show
  29. Have a Street name after me
  30. Make a difference in at least a person life
  31. Be in America Idol
  32. Visit all the Zoo's in the world
  33. Go dog sledding in Antarctica
  34. Create my own furniture for my mansion
  35. Go to Hollywood
  36. Have the softest bed that was ever created
  37. Built a man caved basement
  38. Stay at the Space Hotel

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