Friday, September 18, 2009

Shakespeare Language

A girl was playing with her baby, when walking down the street was i, i stop to look at her, she affect that baby, then she look up and say you want to play all hid, and i say i aim, we play for a while then we stop, to rest and eat a apricock,

[Thou] foul defacer of God's handiwork.
You foul that spoil the surface of God's handiwork.

Monday, September 14, 2009

"We are not markers of history. We are made by history"

Martin Luther King, Jr.: "We are not makers of history. We are made by history." To me this interpretation means that we as people don't mark history, history is what has made us, on in other word, man is the one that makes history, but history dose not make a man.

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 Attack

8 years ago, i had just, moved to Childress, Texas, the class that i was in was Mrs.Smith class, but Mrs. Smith, was a teacher that already pass away. I don't really remember seeing, or hearing anything about it.
I would say yes, cause it a thing that the USA should always remember, and how once the twin towers stood there.
I would say that the terrorist chose to attack America, because, I would say that the terrorist saw America as a rich country, and a country that has good opportunities, they didn't choose another country because, i guess they saw America a better place to attack.
No, i don't know anyone that was affected by this terrible attack.
If I had to write a story about 9/11 it would have been about someone inside the building, and how they, were verly going out side to run from the attack, but the elevator, got stuck.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I think that personal beliefs you hold, is important because, sooner or later your friends can leave you, or you will never see them again, but what you belief is important because no one can change what you have inside only you can, its like when you make a decision, you will mostly stand up for what's right.

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